E-bikes road laws
E-bikes road laws
In the UK, where we are located, the Government has published a web page that details what can and can't be classed as a e-bike for use on the public highway. https://www.gov.uk/electric-bike-rules. There are good reasons why these rules have been put in place.
It is possible to tie a big electric motor to any old bike and hurtle down the road to your own personal oblivion. There are many entertaining YouTube videos showing how to do this. Compliance to road safety laws and personal safety don't seem to be included in a lot of these back yard projects.
When you are buying your e-bike, from a reputable retailer, it is reasonable to expect that a thorough testing process has been followed to ensure the e-bike conforms to the road and civil laws of the country in which it is to be used. You may want to ask about how are the designs tested for user safety, how is quality managed, how the bike complies to legal requirements..... A reputable dealer will be able to answer these questions with facts, not opinions.
I suggest you ask three key questions before getting to discussion on price, performance, style, durability etc. These 3 questions cover very important points some sellers choose not to mention. is What they are selling a road legal e-bike or not.
Beware: Riding an E-bike which doesn't comply with UK Law on public roads will result in points on your driving license, and maybe your e-bike being impounded.
E-bike motors are limited by law to 250W if used on Public roads and cycle paths. I build and sell e-bikes with bigger motors on the strict undertanding that the buyer is fully responsible for the use of the e-bike and will restrict themselves to private land with the express permission of the landlord/owner. MeV ltd will accept no liability if the buyer doesn't understand or respect the law.
Please see UK Government E-Bike guidelines here - https://www.gov.uk/electric-bike-rules.