M-eV affordable zero emission transport
M-eV affordable zero emission transport
Environmental impact. it seems every day we hear or read something telling us that climate change is kicking in and can't be denied any longer.
the reality is weather systems are being affected by what humans have done and the change may not be an orderly gradual change. instead we should expect to have severe chaotic extreme changes in temperature, precipitation and wind strengths. we will see changes in the temperature of the oceans and flows as well as rises in sea levels. but what has this got to do with e-bikes you ask.....the answer is a lot.
Traveling by e-bike puts less greenhouse gas into the air than traveling by car or bus. Fuel for my morning commute is a cup of coffee, toast and a boiled egg: fuel for a car is a gallon of diesel. It is easy to see which is better for the environment.
Also the resources used to manufacture a car is at lease 50 times that of an e-bike: just look at the masses of materials involved. A car weighs 2000kg and a typical bike weighs 30kg Consequently a lot less energy is consumed in producing the e-bike that gets you from A to B just like the car.
Most e-bikes are around 95% recyclable compare to cars at around 90%. so even at the end of its life an e-bike is better for the environment than a car. A car has a lot of materials that can only go to landfill.
When you decide to change your commuting transport to an e-bike you are taking positive action to help the environment and if enough like minded people do the same the impact on our cities will be significant.
Air quality will improve and thousands of pollution related deaths will be avoided as traffic jams and the associated pollution reduces.
A car takes up the same space as 10 bikes on the road and needs 20x more space to park including the access to the parking space. You need to also consider the space needed to manoeuvre the car when parking it, and the space around it when driving. Just imagine how much easier and healthier it will be to travel in cities if the e-bike revolution takes off. You can chose to be part of it and do your bit .
We are not eco-warriors: we aim to make profit from selling good quality affordable electric bikes. But, hopefully we will not damage the planet running our business.